Community driven public health medicine Specialist in training Medical offering an almost 10-year history engagement with different health system functions to optimize operations and foster superior organization-wide service delivery. Expert in patient care and business administration with success designing effective patient care and business plans. Focused on continuous quality improvement and leadership development.
Siamisang, K., Kebadiretse, D., & Masupe, T. (2021). University of botswana public health medicine unit contributions to the national covid-19 response. Pan African Medical Journal, 39.
Siamisang, K., Kebadiretse, D., & Smith-Lawrence, P. (2022). COVID-19 in Princess Marina Hospital, Botswana: An Outbreak Investigation. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2022.
Siamisang, K., Kebadiretse, D., Tjirare, L. T., Muyela, C., Gare, K., & Masupe, T. (2022a). Prevalence and predictors of depression, anxiety and stress among frontline healthcare workers at COVID-19 isolation sites in Gaborone, Botswana. PLoS ONE, 17(8 August).
Tlhakanelo, J. T., Makwati, O., Beaney, T., Xia, X., Kebadiretse, D., Ntoni, L., Poulter, N. R., & Masupe, T. (2021). May Measurement Month 2019: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Botswana. European Heart Journal, Supplement, 23.